How Do I Stop My Pee from Burning After Giving Birth?

Painful urination after c-section, how do I stop my pee from burning after giving birth?

It’s no secret that giving birth is a very painful experience. Once your bundle of joy has arrived you might think everything from then on is going to be sunshine and rainbows! Whilst, yes, the hardest bit is over and done with, there are some sensations of pain and discomfort you’re going to have to deal with for a short period after giving birth.

One of the most noticeable things is. you are likely to experience some pain when you try to pee. It’s among the things many women actually say is the hardest part of postpartum recovery.

Why does it burn when I pee 2 weeks postpartum?

Why does this happen? Well, your downstairs area suffers a lot during labor, and so it will be a while before it heals. That area will be a little sensitive for a while. If you had to have stitches then you’re much more likely to experience pain when you pee, and for longer than women who didn’t have stitches.

You’re encouraged to drink lots of water postpartum because not only is it good for your overall health, but it also helps in the production of breast milk. However, this does mean you’re going to, most likely, be peeing A LOT! So, you might be desperately looking for some ways to help ease the pain. Well, you are in the right place!

Does it burn to pee after giving birth?

Yes it does! But don’t worry. You can try a few ideas to help stop it being painful when you urinate. Keep reading to find out what these little tricks and tips are!

How Long Will it Hurt For? How Long Does it Sting to Pee After Birth?

The answer to this question may not end up being the same for everyone. How long it’s going to hurt to pee depends on a number of different things, including whether or not you needed stitches. Additionally, people who have already given birth once before usually don’t experience peeing pain for as long the second time around.

On average, people tend to experience pain while they pee for anywhere between 2 days to 2 weeks postpartum, so unfortunately there really is no set answer for how long peeing is going to hurt for you!

How to Ease the Pain

  • Use a Peri Bottle

A peri bottle is something that new mothers are recommended to use after going to the toilet. The main purpose of it is to fully clean your downstairs area, especially for the first few days and weeks after giving birth when you’re more sensitive and wiping might hurt.

Well, a peri bottle can also help to ease pain when peeing. It’s a little bottle that you fill up with warm water, and then squeeze it so it sprays water onto the painful area. You can use the bottle before, during or after peeing, whichever way is most effective and comfortable for you!

The best way, however, tends to be for people to start spraying the water onto their downstairs area and then, whilst still squeezing, start peeing. Then clean the area with the bottle after you’ve finished, and gently pat dry. A idea worth mentioning is to do this with some wipes as these tend to be less harsh.

  • Numbing Spray

Many new mothers have found numbing sprays to be very effective at helping to ease the pain of peeing.

All you have to do is apply the product around the sensitive area before you pee. This should lead to a temporary numb sensation, so you won’t experience any pain whilst peeing.

  • Change Position

Another trick many women have found helps to ease the pain of peeing is to change their position when sitting on the toilet

The sitting position that may be the less painful is to sit far back on the toilet seat and then, with your upper body, lean all the way forward. If you can manage, try to rest your forearms on the floor. The aim is for your bum to be in the air, so the pee is falling into the toilet. This minimizes how much the pee actually touches you, and so in turn minimizes the pain.

  • Pee Standing Up in the Bathtub

Yes, this might not be the most pleasant option, but something many women have found helps them to not feel any pain whilst peeing is to stand up in the shower or bath. In the same way that the position mentioned above helps to ease pain, standing up prevents the pee from touching you because it can just shoot straight down!

Let’s all be completely honest, I’m sure we’ve all peed in the shower at some point! When you’re in there washing your hair and the urge comes about it would feel silly not to just go right there! Well, if you do this until you’re fully healed postpartum, it can help make peeing a much less painful experience. Just do make sure you clean the shower properly after!

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